Outreach- just GO!
The Great Commission
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
These were Jesus’ last words before he rose to Heaven, instructing all of us to continue the work that he had started.
Our Vision
To see God glorified in every language, people group, culture and nation.
Our Mission Statement
To help and encourage everyone in finding their role in fulfilling the Great Commission, serving as Godleads in the designated task of reaching out to the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is outreach?
Outreach is reaching out, most often cross-culturally, with the purpose of making the Gospel heard. Domestic outreach (DO) is done within our own country; global outreach (GO) is done outside of our borders. We believe that both domestic and global outreach are ordinary, integral parts of every Christian life.
About the Outreach Team & what we do
Education and Awareness
We arrange for workshops and classes designed to bring a greater awareness of what missions is and how we can participate. We also host speaking engagements for missionaries and maintain outreach bulletin boards. Our desire is that each person finds his or her place in God’s mission plan.
Missionary Support
We support long-term missionaries financially as well as by praying for them, encouraging them through regular communication and visiting them. We emphasize support of missionaries that are working to reach the unreached people groups that don’t already have self-sustaining churches established. We also support short-term missionaries by helping with their organization, fund raising, training, prayer support, travel arrangements, and other logistical preparations.
Prayer is an integral part of our teams. We pray for missionaries and ministries, for unreached people groups, and our church body and leadership.
“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you … and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” — Genesis 12:2-3
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” — Matthew 24:14
“… and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” — Revelation 5:9
Get Involved!
There are many ways for you to become involved in outreach. Short-term missions may involve construction, disaster relief, community development, teaching or other activities to bless others, although the ultimate blessing is hearing the Gospel message. Without the Gospel component, these activities are good works but are not missions per se. Just as not everyone is called to be a pastor, not everyone is called to go on a mission, but we are all commanded to make disciples. There are other ways that you can get involved in Outreach:
• Joining an Outreach Ministry team.
• Helping financially support our missionaries and cross-cultural ministries.
• Praying for our missionaries and ministries.
• "Adopting" a missionary and their family by sending encouraging words of support and cards on special occasions, and by covering them in prayer.
• Learning more about missions and cross-cultural ministries.
• Offering to teach a class about some aspect of Outreach.
• Cross-cultural ministries