Upcoming EventS

LENTEN HOME CONNECT GROUP - Mar 9 thru Apr 18 - CLICK HERE to sign up! The church’s copies of Journey to the Cross are SOLD OUT. Please search online to see purchasing options.

C2B Ministry is collecting items to create Care Packages for those experiencing difficulties and hospital visitations. There will be a box in the church lobby for the items listed on the flyer. If you have a creative talent and are interested in joining the group, please join us on the dates listed! CLICK HERE if you have questions!

Youth PULSE always has fun fellowship events planned! CLICK HERE for more info!

MAY THE 4th STAR WARS MOVIE EVENT - Sun, May 4 - 4-8:30p - Sample intergalactic foods and test your Jedi Force skills! The legendary 501st Legion of Star Wars costumers will be in attendance for photo ops! More info to come…

VBS 2025: TRUE NORTH - July 14-18 - 6:30-8:30p - Kids 3 yrs (potty trained) through entering 6th grade are invited to join us for a week-long, fun-filled experience with Jesus! CLICK HERE to register your child OR to sign up to volunteer! Make sure to register by June 23 to get a VBS t-shirt!

SALT & PEPPER FELLOWSHIP - There are a number of fellowship opportunities cropping up for our Salt & Pepper crowd! CLICK HERE if you want more info!


We’d love for you to help us serve the families of the church by watching their babies during service.

for details contact Kids@venicechurch.org