Welcome to S.A.M.

The Senior Adult Ministries (SAM) is a community of active and involved seniors.    We minister to seniors (ages 50 older) of our church and community through education, fellowship, ministry, and outreach. SAM is where seniors gather for fun, food, and fellowship! 

What we do

Senior Adult Ministries is a Church sponsored ministry with over 100 senior members.  It is governed by a ten-member committee of seniors guided by its bylaws.  Senior Ministries focuses its effort through its events in promoting education, fellowship, ministry and outreach.  All Senior Ministries’ events are open to all seniors and we welcome non-Christians or people of other faith.  

In 2016, we sponsored a 3-day trip to Laughlin covering Grand Canyon West and Hualapai Indian Reservation as a big outing.   We hosted six luncheons including Taste of Foreign Foods by inviting a restaurant to cater their food-for-taste.   At our luncheons, topics are chosen to equip senior adults to meet their challenges covering various aspects of healthy living.  Luncheons also provide opportunity for fellowship, nurturing and worship.  Outings are designed to meet the time constraints of seniors and provide opportunity to visit places in a safe group environment.  Our goal for 2017 is to introduce enrichment lecture series.



*No longer meeting due to COVID*

Come join SAM for fun, food, and fellowship!


For more information on our Senior Adult Ministry, contact Eunice.